At Northside, we feel it is our mission to love our town as God loves us; God is FOR the Burg, and so are we. We strive to love Warrensburg in a way that emulates this through physical acts of kindness. We feel that this mission is not just for Northside but for our community as a whole. #FORTHEBURG is a campaign that is gaining traction in our community as we are doing bigger and more projects than ever. If you are interested in joining our next community project or want to partner with us on future projects, contact us below!

The Focus of Our Efforts
#FORTHEBURG partners with local authorities such as the City of Warrensburg and Parks and Rec, as well as schools and other community organizations to meet specific needs. We are always looking for more opportunities to partner with organizations that are already doing great work in our community.
Our projects are not possible without the hands-on work from our volunteers.
People, just like you, take the time out of their schedules to show their community how much they care. It's a great family or individual opportunity to give back to the town we all love.
Not all community needs are something we can put hands and hammers to. #FORTHEBURG also takes donations to meet physical needs as well. Such examples include buying school supplies for student's in need, buying clothes for a family victim to a house fire, or buying the supplies needed to finish a hands-on project.
"If you were out this morning on Maguire St. you might have noticed a large group of people picking up trash along the street and even in the business lots and adjoining street areas. I asked a lady who these people were and she said Northside Christian Church. I have to say they deserve a huge thank you from our community. They even picked up small stuff. If we could all do this as we walk around outside our community would be a clean and awesome place to live and visit. Great job Northside God is definitely shining through your church. Thank you for making our main street look beautiful."
-Murphy Cary Tammy (FB post)